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Moulescoomb Pioneer Moulescoomb Pioneer Moulescoomb Pioneer Moulescoomb Pioneer Moulescoomb Pioneer Moulescoomb Pioneer Moulescoomb Pioneer Moulescoomb Pioneer Moulescoomb Pioneer Moulescoomb Pioneer Moulescoomb Pioneer

Moulescoomb Primary

Project Overview

Moulsecoomb Primary School stands proudly as part of the Pioneer Academy located on The Highway, Lewes Road. The school radiates a caring and dedicated ethos, evident in its commitment to providing all children with extraordinary opportunities. As part of The Pioneer Academy, Moulsecoomb Primary School is currently experiencing significant investment, a testament to the trust’s overarching vision of “We put children first, pioneering excellence and championing each and every child.” This infusion of resources reflects the school’s dedication to fostering holistic development, creating an environment where students can thrive academically and personally

The Outcome

Within our design, we reflected the ethos of the school and the academy, and created an inclusive learning environment for the children to have fun within, but also learn and thrive. The design is enriched with lots of core play values and learning outcomes. The design and installation included:

  • Rustic playframe
  • Rustic timber shade canopy
  • Role play track
  • Water play with cobbles
  • Water rill and interactive channels
  • Sand pit/ sand play
  • Mud dig and growing beds
  • Role play building
  • Musical items
  • Rustic seating
  • Seating
  • Role play timber yard
  • Surfacing
  • Bamboo planting

Client Feedback

Construction Overview:

Timotay’s exemplary management of the installation process showcased a level of expertise and experience that proved crucial, particularly when faced with the challenges of working within a live school environment. The intricacies of managing installations in an operational school setting demand a unique set of skills, and Timotay rose to the occasion with finesse. The latter stages of the installation process, in particular, required a keen understanding of the school’s daily operations and a strategic approach to minimize disruptions.

Timotay’s team, bolstered by experienced Project Managers, navigated the complexities seamlessly. These Project Managers played a pivotal role in orchestrating the installation process, ensuring a harmonious integration of new elements within the live school environment. Their adept handling of challenges and commitment to maintaining operational continuity underscored Timotay’s dedication to delivering not just structures but holistic solutions that prioritize the client’s unique needs and circumstances

Risk Mitigation:

Through adept communication strategies, Timotay engaged in daily dialogue with the school, assiduously ensuring that planned delivery slots were meticulously organised and strictly adhered to. Timotay’s foresight was evident in their implementation of a secure segregation plan for the working site, preserving the school’s functionality and shielding the children from any disruptions. The seamless orchestration of tasks not only showcased Timotay’s commitment to project success but also fostered a positive atmosphere, reflecting their dedication to both efficiency and the well-being of the school community

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