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primary school playground,

Frenchwood Community Primary School

Project Overview

The headteacher discussed with Timotay that their setting had some disused areas that were not providing any educational benefit to the children.

Timotay met with the headteacher, where we identified a small triangular courtyard next to the SEND department of the school and we set upon developing a sensory garden.

The Outcome

The project site had a number of complications which has to be overcome, and included its position in the centre of the school, and at a lower level than ground access. This meant all materials had to be taken through the school and downstairs through a single door into the courtyard. Years of overgrowth had left the site looking tired and unloved.

Client Feedback

Our solution included:

  • Artificial Grass Surfacing
  • Barefoot stepping stones
  • Colour
  • Shade
  • Tactile
  • Chill out zone
  • Secret space
  • Water feature

Chas constructionline marshalls Bali bali BSI Change 4 life NMT
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